Inspiration from Dr. Seuss
You have a brain in your head. Use it however you see fit.
You have feet in your shoes. Now, go.
What I appreciate about his books: the way he lays it out there – no frills, no fuss. It brought me, even just for a moment, back to the basics of what truly drives me. Let’s remind ourselves of what we have in our hands, what we’re capable of, and then let’s go to work. It’s more than just dreaming about possibilities… we have to actually get moving.
Yesterday, I was frustrated at work with the fact my clients don’t seem to read my reports. I put a lot (a LOT) of hours into them. It’s what I do all day. Oftentimes, I’m sure the clients only skim them for graphs that tilt in the right direction. They don’t get deep into the analysis like I do, and it disappoints me. It took a short phone call with my superior (sorta the Dr. Seuss of my workplace, if you will) – to identify the problem and find the solution: I need to get on the phone with as many clients as I can and go over the reports with them. Get their feedback. Learn what they want. Adjust their next report to make them happier. I can’t complain about what I allow, so I’m not allowing reports to just slip under the radar anymore.
What are some things in your life that you can innovate, improve, or take on? If it makes you miserable, or is a source of frustration, it means there’s room for improvement and it has your name all over it. You have brains in your head and feet in your shoes: make it happen.